

Ferrante M., Boccato T., Passamonti L., Toschi N.;”Retrieving and reconstructing conceptually similar images from fMRI with latent diffusion models and a neuro-inspired brain decoding model” in Journal of Neural Engineering, 2024 vol. 21 n. 4.

Catrambone V., Candia-Rivera D., Valenza G.; “Intracortical brain-heart interplay: An EEG model source study of sympathovagal changes” in HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, 2024, vol 45 issue 6.

Valenza G., Di Ciò F., Toschi N., Barbieri R.; “Sympathetic and parasympathetic central autonomic networks”. Imaging Neuroscience 2024; vol. 2 1–17.

Frassineti L., Catrambone V., Lanatà A., Valenza G.; “Impaired brain-heart axis in focal epilepsy: Alterations in information flow and implications for seizure dynamics”. Network Neuroscience 2024; vol. 8 issue 2: 541–556.

Ghouse A., Pfurtscheller G., Schwarz G. and Valenza G., “Uncovering Hemispheric Asymmetry and Directed Oscillatory Brain-Heart Interplay in Anxiety Processing: An fMRI Study,” in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 32, pp. 1984-1993, 2024.

Scarciglia A., Catrambone V., Bianco M., Bonanno C., Toschi N., Valenza G.;”Stochastic brain dynamics exhibits differential regional distribution and maturation-related changes”. NeuroImage, vol. 290, 2024.

Ferrante M., Boccato T., Ozcelik F., VanRullen R., Toschi N.; “Through their eyes: Multi-subject brain decoding with simple alignment techniques”. Imaging Neuroscience 2024; vol. 2 1–21.

Mora, P.; Garcia, C.; Ivorra, E.; Ortega, M.; Alcañiz, M.L. Virtual Experience Toolkit: An End-to-End Automated 3D Scene Virtualization Framework Implementing Computer Vision Techniques. Sensors 2024, 24, 3837.

Valenza G.,  Alcañiz Raya M. L., Carli V., Dudnik G., Gentili C., Guixeres J., Rossi S., Toschi N., van Wassenhove V. “The EXPERIENCE project: automatic virtualization of “extended personal reality” through biomedical signal processing and explainable artificial intelligence” in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 41 issue 1, 2024.

Boccato T., Ferrante M., Duggento A., Toschi N. “4Ward: a Relayering Strategy for Efficient Training of Arbitrarily Complex Directed Acyclic Graphs” in Neurocomputing vol. 568, 2024.

Scarciglia A., Catrambone V., Bonanno C., Valenza G., “Physiological Noise: Definition, Estimation, and Characterization in Complex Biomedical Signals” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 71, issue 1, pp. 45-55, 2024.

De-Pra Y., Catrambone V., van-Wassenhove V., Moscatelli A., Valenza G. and Bianchi M, “Altering Time Perception in Virtual Reality Through Multimodal Visual-Tactile Kappa Effect” in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 16, issue 4, pp. 518-523, 2023.

van Wassenhove V. “Cracking the Neural Code of How the Brain Represents Time May Make the Dualistic Stance Obsolete” in Timing & Time Perception, pp.1-9, 2023.

Toschi N., Duggento A. , Barbieri R. , Garcia R. G. , Fisher H.P. , Kettner N. W. , Napadow V. , Sclocco R. “Causal influence of brainstem response to transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on cardiovagal outflow” in Brain Stimulation, vol. 16, issue 6, pp.1557-1565, 2023.

S. Fani, S. Ciotti, G. Pagnanelli, A. Moscatelli, Y. De Pra and M. Bianchi, “Modulating the Perceived Softness of Real Objects Through Wearable Haptics” in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 16, issue 4, pp. 543-548, 2023.

Benelli, A., Neri, F., Cinti, A. et al. “Frequency-Dependent Reduction of Cybersickness in Virtual Reality by Transcranial Oscillatory Stimulation of the Vestibular Cortex” in Neurotherapeutics, vol. 20, pp.1796–1807, 2023.

Ferrante M., Boccato T., Spasov S., Duggento A., Toschi N. “VAESim: A probabilistic approach for self-supervised prototype discovery” in Image and Vision Computing, vol. 137, 104746, 2023.

Catrambone V., Valenza G. “Microstates of the cortical brain-heart axis” in Human Brain Mapping, vol. 44, issue 17, pp. 5846-5857, 2023.

Azizi L., Polti I., van Wassenhove V. “Spontaneous alpha brain dynamics track the episodic “when”” in Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 43, issue 4, pp. 7186-7197, 2023.

Rossi S., Cinti A., Viberti F., Benelli A., Neri F., De Monte D., … & Mandalà M. “Frequency-dependent tuning of the human vestibular “sixth sense” by transcranial oscillatory currents” in Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 153, pp. 123-132, 2023.

Catrambone V. and Valenza G. “Nervous-System-Wise Functional Estimation of Directed Brain–Heart Interplay Through Microstate Occurrences” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 2270-2278, 2023.

Gunasekaran, H., Azizi, L., van Wassenhove, V. et al. “Characterizing endogenous delta oscillations in human MEG” in Scientific Reports. Rep 13, article n° 11031, 2023

Alfeo A.L., Zippo A.G., Catrambone V., Cimino M.G.C.A., Toschi N., Valenza G. “From local counterfactuals to global feature importance: efficient, robust, and model-agnostic explanations for brain connectivity networks” in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 236, 107550, 2023.

Gagliardi G., Alfeo A. L. , Catrambone V., Candia-Rivera D., Cimino M. G. C. A. and Valenza G. “Improving Emotion Recognition Systems by Exploiting the Spatial Information of EEG Sensors” in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 39544-39554, 2023.

Catrambone V. and Valenza G. “Complex brain-heart mapping in mental and physical stress” in IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, vol. 11, pp. 495-504, 2023.

Scarciglia A., Gini F., Catrambone V. ,Bonanno C. and Valenza G. “Estimation of Dynamical Noise Power in Unknown Systems” in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 30, pp. 234-238, 2023.

D. Pra Y. , Papetti S. , Järveläinen H. , Bianchi M. and Fontana F. , “Effects of Vibration Direction and Pressing Force on Finger Vibrotactile Perception and Force Control” in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 23-32, 2023.

Dimitri G. M., Spasov S., Duggento A., Passamonti L., Lió P., and Toschi N. “Multimodal and multicontrast image fusion via deep generative models” in Information Fusion vol. 88, pp. 146-160, 2022.

van Wassenhove, V. “Temporal disorientations and distortions during isolation” in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Oxford. Elsevier Ltd., vol 137, 104644, 2022.

Catrambone V., Talebi A., Barbieri R. and Valenza G. “Time-Resolved Brain-to-Heart Probabilistic Information Transfer Estimation Using Inhomogeneous Point-Process Models” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 3366-3374, 2021.

Ryan C. P., Bettelani G. C. , Ciotti S., Parise C., Moscatelli A. and Bianchi M.  “The interaction between motion and texture in the sense of touch” in JPN Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 6, issue 4, pp. 1375-1390, 2021.

Catrambone, V. , Barbieri R., Wendt H., Abry P. and Valenza G. “Functional brain–heart interplay extends to the multifractal domain” in PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A., vol. 379, issue 2212, 2021.

Marín-Morales, J., Higuera-Trujillo, J.L., Guixeres, J., Llinares, C., Alcañiz, M., Valenza, G. “Heart rate variability analysis for the assessment of immersive emotional arousal using virtual reality: Comparing real and virtual scenarios” in PLOS ONE, 2021.



G. Gagliardi, A. L. Alfeo, V. Catrambone, M. G. C. A. Cimino, M. De Vos and G. Valenza, “Using Contrastive Learning to Inject Domain-Knowledge Into Neural Networks for Recognizing Emotions,” 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Mexico City, Mexico, 2023, pp. 1587-1592.

Valenza G., Alcañiz Raya M. L., Alfeo A. L., Bianchi M., Carli V., Catrambone V., Cimino M. C. G. A ,  Dudnik G., Duggento A.,  Ferrante M., Gentili C., Guixeres J., Rossi S., Toschi N., van Wassenhove V. “The EXPERIENCE Project: Unveiling Extended-Personal Reality through Automated VR Environments and Explainable Artificial Intelligence” in Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering – IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023, October 25-27, 2023. Milan (Italy).

García-Moll C., Mora P., Ortega Pérez M., Ivorra E., Valenza G., Alcañiz Raya M. L. “Virtual Experience Toolkit: Enhancing 3D Scene Virtualization from Real Environments through Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques”. EN IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering” in Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering – IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023, October 25-27, 2023. Milan (Italy).

Scarciglia A., Catrambone V. , Bonanno C. and Valenza G. “Characterization of Physiological Noise in Complex Cardiovascular Variability Series” in 2023 Proceeding of the  45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 24-27, 2023. Sydney (Australia).

Scarciglia A., Catrambone V. , Bonanno C. and Valenza G. “Towards the definition of Microstates of the Cortical Brain-Heart Axis” in 2023 Proceeding of the  45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 24-27, 2023. Sydney (Australia).

Scarciglia A., Catrambone V. , Bonanno C. and Valenza G. “A Unified Framework for Investigating Aperiodic and Periodic Components in the Hearbeat Dynamics Spectrum: a Feasibility Study” in 2023 Proceeding of the  45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 24-27, 2023. Sydney (Australia).

Sutori S., Todorov I., Hadlaczky G. and Carli V. “The EXPERIENCE system for the investigation of behavioral differences between depressed and healthy-control participants in Virtual Reality ” in European Psychiatry, Volume 66 , Special Issue S1: Abstracts of the 31st European Congress of Psychiatry 25-28 March 2023. Paris (France).

Gagliardi G., Alfeo A. L. ,Catrambone V. ,Cimino M.G.C.A. ,De Vos M. , and Valenza G. “Fine-grained Emotion Recognition using Brain-Heart Interplay measurements and eXplainable Convolutional Neural Networks” in Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, April 25 – April 27, 2023. Baltimore, MD, (USA).

De Pra, Y., Catrambone, V., van Wassenhove, V., Valenza, G., and Bianchi, M. “Toward the manipulation of time and space in extended reality: a preliminary study on multimodal Tau and Kappa illusions in the visual-tactile domain” in Proceedings of 2022 IEEE-RAS RO-MAN. August 29-September 2, 2022. Naples (Italy)

Alfeo A. L. , Catrambone V., Cimino M.G.C.A. , Vaglini G. and Valenza G. “Recognizing motor imagery tasks from EEG oscillations through a novel ensemble-based neural network architecture” in 2021 Proceeding of the  43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). October 30-November 5 2021.


Project Deliverables

D5.7   Dissemination and communication plan and report

D5.20 EXPERIENCE Website and project logo



Vladimir Carli, Gergö Hadlaczky, Gaetano Valenza, Mathilde Crettaz, Etienne Haenni, Marc Correvon, Gabriela Silvia Dudnik, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Victor Gascó Ortiz, Mario Ortega Perez, Elena Parra Vargas, Nicola Toschi, Virginie Van Wassenhove, Gentili Claudio, Valentina Cardi, Jaime Guixeres Provinciale, System for creating and modulating a virtual reality environment for an individual, European Patent Office, EP4260804A1, 2022

Vladimir Carli, Gergö Hadlaczky, Gaetano Valenza, Mathilde Crettaz, Etienne Haenni, Marc Correvon, Gabriela Silvia Dudnik, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Victor Gascó Ortiz, Mario Ortega Perez, Elena Parra Vargas, Nicola Toschi, Virginie Van Wassenhove, Gentili Claudio, Valentina Cardi, Jaime Guixeres Provinciale, System for creating and modulating a virtual reality environment for an individual, Word Intellectual Property Organization (PCT), WO2023198417A1, 2023